Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Planning ahead...

So, the other day I received a notice in the mail about... SUMMER CAMP!

Yep, the calendar still says January; it is freezing cold outside; and someone decided that I should start planning for summer activities. I guess in a way it makes sense, since I am thinking about escaping to somewhere warm... on-the-other-hand I still have CHRISTMAS presents that I have not given out yet!!

Is it me or are marketing/sales people trying to push us to plan ahead. I swear I see signs for back to school sales at the end of June; when kids are still in school (granted, I admit I do start doing a back to school countdown by July 1); and every year, Christmas stuff starts showing up in stores earlier and earlier. I think I see holiday decorations in Costco in August!

I understand the need to plan ahead, but I think this is getting a bit ridiculous.

For me, this constant reminder that I have to keep planning, or doing something, whether it is deciding on which summer camp to send my child, what halloween costume to make, or what Christmas gifts to buy makes me feel very anxious. I have enough trouble thinking about what to make for dinner tonight!

Sometimes I wonder whatever happened to just taking a breath, and living and enjoying the moment (hopefully that moment is quiet and I have a nice cup of coffee, or a glass of wine in my hand)?

So I say screw thinking about summer camp, for now; I can always do it next week...

How far do you start planning ahead for things (I am usually exceedingly happy and proud of myself if I book my kid into a camp a week before it starts...)?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My anti-resolutions

So, for the last couple of years I wrote about my stance on not having any New Year's resolutions (here is my post from last year). And, as I am a creature of habit, I do not plan to start doing resolutions this year.

However, I do believe I should have a couple of goals this year - sort of a to-do list. I figure if I do not have some sort of plan, or a task, to motivate me, I will end up sitting here, slowly morphing into a blob creature while watching Youtube videos and reading trashy online novels all day.

  1. We will clean the upstairs office so that we can actually use it as an office. It will no longer be just another store room to hide crap when guests are coming
  1. Finally put up those wires we bought to display my daughter's 'art' – we purchased these things at least three years ago...
  1. Complete one craft project – failing that, recycle the stuff that I have been storing away to do craft projects
  1. Ensure the house does not look like squatters have moved in

And of course the important goals...

  1. Play with my daughter more
  1. Listen
  1. Control my temper
  1. And be the parent that my little one needs me to be.

What are your goals this year? And if you do have resolutions, how in the world do you keep them?!?!