Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My First Post

It has been a little more than a year ago when I had my precious little girl. I had all these plans of actually recording every single little event of her life. I have two baby memory books that are sitting virtually blank on my shelf right now – I think they are mocking me. I am pretty sure that one is still in its box, looking all pretty and new. I have always envied those people with their book full of information of when their first tooth came; when their first teeth showed up; when they first took an independent step… I wanted this for my little one. And then reality hit – sleep or fill out this book. I of course, chose sleep. Most days, I choose sleep above just about anything else…

Actually, I was even more ambitious, I was planning to keep a pregnancy journal for her, so that she can read about what I felt, about my dreams for her, and of course, to make her feel guilty when she got older. But I never got started on that either.

So, I decided to try this blog thing. I figure everyone and his or her cat has one. And better late than never I guess.

Maybe one day she will like to read about all the adventure that we had together before she is capable of forming conscious memories… or maybe one day she will make Me feel very guilty after reading that I accidentally let her fall off the bed – honestly, I just looked away for one second…

Well, if you are reading this… just remember, mommy loves you very much, and just wants you to be happy. But remember, at least for now, your happiness is directly correlated with mommy’s happiness…