Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sometimes reading is overrated...

For the last two years my husband and I have been trying to get our child to read. After much encouraging, bribing, yelling, crying, begging, hair pulling... she is now willing to read on her own, and sometimes, she even enjoys doing it.

And then, I discovered that my child likes to read at the most inconvenient (and sometimes inappropriate) times or places.

I remember one incident that took place a couple of years ago while we were out getting dessert. Up until that day, I was able to avoid telling my small child about certain ice cream flavours (the ones embedded with a lot of candy, and therefore has a lot of extra sugar) because she could not read the menu. For this outing, my daughter suddenly decided she was able to read the words 'Easter Egg'. Prior to that words like 'a' and 'the' were sometimes beyond her reading ability. I was not quite sure whether I should be proud or annoyed.

Then just last week, my husband was walking down the street with her when they approached a light pole where someone decided to exercise their artistic ability and wrote a word for the world to read. That word of course was F*%#. And, my curious and now literate child decided that this was the perfect time to practice sounding out a new word. Being a single syllable word, and having years of practice with early readers describing different colour trucks, ducks and pucks (we are Canadian after all...), she did not have any trouble sounding out the “F” word; and then proceeded to say it out loud, and quite proudly, to her father in the middle of the street.

Maybe teaching her to read was not that great of an idea...

Friday, November 8, 2013

DISCOUNT CODE - Disney on Ice presents Princesses and Heroes

Halloween is over; there is a definite nip in the air; it gets dark at 4:00; all the signs that winter will soon be upon us.

And with winter, comes skating shows. This year Feld Entertainment is bringing Disney on Ice presents Princesses and Heroes to Toronto, for the holiday season (December 20 -29). This show has almost every single character in Disney's princess pantheon, along with their corresponding villains of course.

Last year, I took my daughter and her friend to watch Disney on Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy, and they had a great time.

If you and your family are interested in going to this year's show in Toronto at the Rogers Centre – here are two discount codes.

CODE 1 – MUM44 – 4 tickets for $44.00 for WEEKDAY shows

CODE 2 – MUM4 - $4.00 off for WEEKEND shows

There is of course fine print - Excludes Front Row, Rinkside and VIP tickets. No double discounts. Additional fees may apply. Weekday is defined as Monday through Thursday. Weekend is defined as Friday through Sunday. Limit of four (4) per purchase.

For more information about the show -

I admit I actually like winter. Okay, I do not really enjoy the cold, but I love snow, and we are a family of skiers.

This year, I hope to go out and try skating more. We went only once last year, which meant my daughter used her brand new skates only once... I am definitely buying used this year.

Maybe, if I take her to Disney on Ice, it will motivate her (and us) to go and strap our skates on.

Feld Entertainment may be providing me with complimentary tickets to this show, in exchange for my time and efforts in attending the show, and reporting my opinion within this blog. However, the opinions about the show, and everything else are 100 per cent mine.