Thursday, May 2, 2013

My latest pet peeve...

Oh, I have many things that annoy me, but this is the one currently stuck in my head.

Contractions in books for kids (like early readers, for kids seven and under). I just don't like it.

Back in my old school days, you know, the days when one had to walk up hill to and from school, contractions were a big No No during English class. It was considered lazy to shorten words; and really, we were, essentially, only dropping one or two letters at the most, so why not just write the whole word out.

In today's world of texting and tweeting, kids are growing up without even using vowels half the time. I admit I am guilty of doing this too; you have to ditch something when trying to fit a thought into 140 – 160 characters. Therefore, I feel it is especially important to preserve proper writing in kid's book; to show kids how to actually spell words and form sentences.

I also understand the concept that we often read with our ears - that is sentences written in a conversational tone are easier to read and to comprehend. However, I do not see why we should make everything in life easy. What is wrong with being a little bit challenged?

Besides, I find contractions make learning to read more difficult. My daughter is starting to sound out words, and in order to sound out words you need letters and VOWELS. You try sounding out doesn't.

So publishers of children's books, please stop using contractions. And writers, remember you often get paid per word; so is two words not better than one?

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