I was a little girl, my parents took me to see Andrew Lloyd Webber's
Cats, and I fell in love.
I am by no means a theatre buff; I had been to Stratford and Shaw
Festivals only once in my life - basically if you can compare to my
theatre going experience to books: I am more of a Jane Austen girl as
compared to War and Peace, more Dan Brown than Umberto Eco. I like
theatre lite.
I still feel there is something quite magical about a live
production; for one thing, you are watching something in actual 3D!
And, it is always fun to dress up and go out on a special occasion.
I would really like to share the experience of going to musicals,
concerts, theatres and other extravagant live shows with my little
one. I think it is good for her to experience different sorts of art
and culture and entertainment, and to learn to sit still.
just because I want to bring my daughter to a show, does not mean I
can just pick any show, buy tickets and just go. There are very
important considerations.
- We have to consider subject matter – I have a five year old, so the show has to be family friendly, and for us, MUST have a happy ending. Hopefully it will be entertaining for adults as well.
- There should be a easy to follow plot – i.e. no time paradoxes, weird soap opera like subplots, or anything else that will require me to spend the entire time of the show trying to explain what is happening to my daughter.
- Colourful costumes, and cheerful characters – once again, my kid is five, and she likes colours and cute things. She is also terrified of the dark, so I doubt we will be seeing a show like Phantom of the Opera anytime soon.
- Stuff should happen (besides plot) – people or things should move, and talk/sing, and do stuff, to hold her attention. There is no way my child can sit through anything slow and cerebral, nor do I expect her to.
- Length of show - the show should not be too long, unless the show is spectacular with lots of special effects, my child cannot sit still for more than an hour at a time.
- Price – I am hoping that it would not be too expensive. I just do not want to feel bad if I have to leave in the beginning or middle of the show, or feel that I have to force my kid to stay for the entire thing even if she is not happy (“mommy and daddy paid a lot of money for this so you are staying and you are going to like it”). I understand this is not always possible, but one can hope.
us see if it can meet my pre-show checklist:
- Subject matter – it is a Disney show, and since I see nothing that would imply Old Yeller or Bambi's mom will be involved in this show, I think we are good.
- Plot – there are cars, toys, mermaids, fairies and of course two very famous mice. I think she might be happy even if there is no story.
- Colourful costumes – we are talking about cartoons coming to life, so the costumes are probably going to be pretty spectacular.
- Stuff should happen – it is an ice skating show, pretty sure there will be lots of action, spins, jumps and tricks. And, I believe there will be cars on ice (granted, I can always watch cars driving on ice by looking out my window in January...)
- Length of show and price – I am not sure how long the show is, and the tickets are not cheap, but not unreasonable either (okay, I think the top tiered seats are a little bit much, but they are supposed to be the best seat in the house).
think my kid might really enjoy this show. Hopefully, if she has a
great experience, she will be more open to other kinds of shows (the
only show she likes so far is the ballet the Nutcracker, and I can
only watch the Nutcracker so many times before I go nuts, and my
wallet empties)
maybe, when she is older, we can do a family trip to Stratford or
more information about the show, please visit Disney On Ice .
Fine Print:
Feld Entertainment may be providing me with complimentary tickets to this show, in exchange for my time and efforts in attending the show, and reporting my opinion within this blog. However, the opinions about the show, and everything else are 100 per cent mine.
pictures courtesy of Disney characters and artwork, © Disney. Disney/Pixar characters and artwork © Disney/Pixar.
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