Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another New Year!

I am proud to say that I kept my resolution about not making resolutions.

I do not really believe in New Year resolutions; I think every single day is an opportunity to make a fresh start; to try to do better; to have a somewhat clean slate. So, why not make resolutions on say January 23 instead of the 1st (granted, that is Chinese New Year...).

Anyway, last year I did make some New Year wishes and thought it would be nice to review them, and see if I can come up with a few more. Wishes are things I would like to happen, but are not a to-do list that will cause guilt if I do not finish before next year arrives.

  1. Folding laundry quicker – well... I still have last year's laundry sitting in my dryer right now...

  2. Cleaning the house – the house remains in a state of organized chaos, but we are all alive, no one died of food poisoning, and we do not have some weird fungus growing on us or our stuff, so I consider this a win...

  3. Unpacking from the move – still have some boxes, but we did find some bed linens; so, it is a start!

  4. Write more – I am writing now!

  5. Read more – There is a book on my bedside table with no pictures in it, and I got to use my library card more than once this year (my daughter uses her card a lot)

  6. Try be happier – I think I am a fairly happy person, most of the time, okay, some of the time, okay... occasionally

  7. Worry less – probably never going to happen, I just find different stuff to worry about

  8. Be the Best mother I can be – this is a goal I plan on working on for the rest of my life

So some new wishes:

  1. Try to go to bed earlier

  2. Try not lose my temper as much

  3. Try to tell my little one I Love Her at least once a day, especially on days when she is driving me crazy, and when I want to give her to her grandparents. And, try to tell this to her when she is conscious, not when she is asleep and looking like a little angel.

  4. Continue to try to be the mother my daughter needs me to be

What are your new year wishes?

Happy New Year!

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