Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I am a procrastinator...

I have been meaning to write this post for about two weeks now...

I do not think I am too bad. I will get the things that must be done, done; like our bills are paid on time; I am rarely late handing work in; the kid generally gets to school on time (and if we are late, it is her fault and not mine...); meals are usually on the table on time (give or take 30 min...), gifts are bought and wrapped before the party (sometimes just before the party, or on the way to the party, but they get there wrapped), and the house will get cleaned, or made to look like it is clean before the guests come (even if it means stuffing things under the couch).

Unfortunately, for things that I think are not that important, I tend to put it off until it bites me in the ass.

This was one of those things...

My husband and I had been talking about giving a spare house key to our neighbours, or just to hide it somewhere. Okay, the actual conversation happened four years ago (our parents have an extra key, but it can take up to 40 min for them to get to our house, on a good day).

And then it happened. I locked myself out of the house. And to top it off, it snowed. In April. And, all I had on was a sweater. So yes, there I was, freezing in front of my house, thinking I did this to myself; why did I put these things off?

It was not like we were putting off building an extension on the house, which requires money (that we do not have) and planning; this was a stupid extra key, I should be able to pay for it with the change in my pocket (if I had the key on me).

My next thought was, why couldn't it be my husband who learns this lesson, after all, he could have given the spare key to our neighbours without me.

So that very weekend, we got the extra key cut. It took no time at all to get it done and set up. So now I am prepared for the next time I lock myself out of the house. And I learned my lesson about putting things off... or did I...

I really should sort through that bag of clothes and sign my kid up for summer camp, but maybe I will just make myself a cup of tea first, and maybe think of my next post, or plan dinner...

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