Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas time

Christmas is rapidly approaching, and I started thinking, which is actually not that often, as I am in a constant panic about not getting everything done on time. Anyway, I digress, I started to think about what Christmas actually means to my daughter.

I am guessing for her, Christmas means candy canes, decorated trees, lots of food, and of course Santa and presents. I am trying to encourage her to think of Christmas as a time to be good and kind to others (though this should be all the time), and an occasion to spend and enjoy time with people you care about and care about you. It is nevertheless hard to compete with presents.

We are not a religious family. I did not grow up in a very religious household, but when I was little, my parents did take my sister and I to church almost every Sunday – I vaguely recall making crafts and colouring stuff. When I was older, I enjoyed some of the pageantry and rituals associated with going to church, but I definitely did not like sitting through the sermons. Yet, even with my lack of attention during my 'religious' upbringing, I do remember the Christmas story.

My daughter has never stepped foot in a church, okay, that is not completely true, her school concerts take place in an auditorium inside a church, and I think we had to go to one to vote, but you know what I mean. (And, this blog is not really about how I am introducing, or in this case, not introducing religion to my daughter.)

Well, I figure the easiest way to find out what my little one is thinking about is to just ask her.

And here is what she told me: Christmas is time for family.

I think she knows exactly what Christmas is all about.

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