Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day and Me

I had a lovely, quiet mother’s day this year. We woke up late, had brunch, and later went out to dinner. And, most importantly, my darling husband kept my daughter away from me, most of the day (which allowed me to do three loads of laundry… we just came home for a trip…).

I realized a couple of years ago that mother’s day, at least for me, meant a day to get away from my child, whereas father’s day is all about family time (okay sleeping in and family). I noticed this trend with some of my friends too; they spend mother’s day going to the spa, taking some time to go shopping, going out with other friends, but mostly doing activities WITHOUT children. Just go to any playground on mother’s day and you will see a very large collection of dad’s hanging out with kids.

Do not get me wrong, I LOVE my child, but on mother’s day (and maybe my birthday), there is nothing I enjoy more than some peace and quiet to MYSELF. I figure the other 363 days a year is spent being a mother that these two days should be just about me, a sort of mini vacation to charge up my batteries before Monday comes again.

So I propose that Mother’s Day should be renamed as ME day… what do you think?

And, yes, I did not mind doing three loads of laundry on mother’s day… it is do three loads now or six loads next weekend, while living with dirty underwear…

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