Things I never thought I would do… until I became a mother…
1) Turning EVERYTHING into a song (and I am not even a good singer…) Yes, my life is now a musical. It started innocently enough; humming when I change my baby’s diaper; creating little songs to distract her in the car; making up songs to make thunder less frightening; then came the toilet training and hand washing songs… and now, we just sing about EVERYTHING and anything! Though I admit, it is incredibly cute that my little one has started to create her own little everyday songs to sing to me. The problem is that she wants me to sing the song she made up with her…One other warning about making up songs… MAKE SURE you REMEMBER the words and tune. You never know when the little one wants a repeat performance of a song that you made up months ago…2) My obsession with bodily fluids… Honestly, until I became a mom, I never thought twice about the colour of bodily fluids... now I find myself looking up stuff and asking other people (mainly other parents because they are less likely to look at you funny when you ask them these questions…) about what green snot means… and what colour should poop be….
And of course...
Finding myself so much in LOVE with another person. To be filled with so much wonder and anticipation to see what she will do everyday. And, to do silly things, just to see her smile.
And be able to somewhat function on so little sleep….
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