So it has been a month since my
daughter went back to school.
At first I thought that I would feel
more relax now that she is not with me all the time, or that I can
get more accomplished during my day.
Well I am so very very wrong.
I do not feel relax at all. It has
taken me about this long to get back on schedule. It does not help
that my daughter comes home for lunch about three times a week, which
means, on those days I essentially have two hours off between drop
off and pick up and drop off and pick up again... Sometimes I feel
like I have just enough time to sit down and have a sip of tea.
As for accomplishing anything, i did
NOTHING. I had huge plans to clean and tidy. However at this
moment, my house looks like a small tornado went through it. Granted
it is Monday, and no one cleans on the weekend - okay I refuse to
clean on weekends unless someone is coming over, and if I do not
clean, the other residents in this house rarely cleans (unless
someone is coming over).
My other excuse is that I was also sick
for a week, and who cleans and do stuff while they are sick? As an
aside, I did make a wonderful discovery: the inability to taste salt
makes for a great diet, I have massively cut down on snacking and
have shrunk down my portion sizes.
I also had plans to write more, but as
anyone who reads this and checks out the dates of my posts... that
obviously did not happen either.
So here is the plan – first step,
make a plan. Well that is about all I got so far. I will let you
know if I can accomplish anything today, or maybe I will just wait
until tomorrow.