Monday, August 23, 2010

Really... Where is my brain?

So, I did something a bit silly yesterday; I bought myself a new toy... A very expensive new toy (not so expensive that it will put my daughter's college tuition in jeopardy...but still…).

I really do not need a new toy, but I really, really, wanted one. It was not a complete impulse buy. I did think about it for a few months, okay, most likely weeks, before I finally decided to go for it. I still feel a little bit bad, but I am enjoying the thing way too much to feel too guilty.

I think my dad is right; sometimes money is there to be spent, as long as it is not too ridiculous. It is probably better to buy the thing than to subject my poor family to me pining away for one all the time.

In the end, I guess the lesson is that: sometimes it is okay to get myself an expensive present, as long as I am responsible with my purchase choices for the next couple of months, and I should not be expecting a big Christmas present...

Now back to playing with my new toy.... And oh! Check out those boots!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just filling time and space

I just thought I would like to add a picture. (I took this during cherry blossom season)

I remember when I use to like to go out and take pictures (I remember when I was able to do many other things as well, like simple math…). And now, most of my pictures have only one subject... a very uncooperative subject... I really have to applaud children photographers; they must have patience of saints, and the reflexes of a hockey goalie...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What kind of parent am I?

I have become one of those parents… you know, the ones that schedule every minute of their child’s life.  Not that there is anything wrong with that type of parenting, but it was not something I strived for.  I was going to be the easy going parent; the let us see where the wind takes us parent… But here I am, with papers scattered around me, scheduling my little one’s fall activities, making sure that there is a variety of programs, that there are no conflicts, that there is time for naps (which, of course must also be scheduled), heck, I am even penciling in ‘free time’.  And yes, I realize it is only August.

 It all started out with good intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions – they become a snowball that rolls you over, flattens you, just so your kids can have a soft comfy place to walk on… Honestly, though it really did start off with me just wanting to expose my daughter to new experiences.  And it started with just two classes, an art class and a sport class.  I wanted her to ‘learn’ something, have fun, and most importantly be around kids her own age.

Now, here I am, calendar in front of me, trying to figure out what classes to sign up for.  Maybe there are just too many options.  Maybe there is just not enough time.  Maybe in trying to help her become a well-rounded individual, I am forgetting to just let her be her, a kid that wants to go out and just have fun. 

One thing I do know for sure… I really have to squeeze in this swimming class somehow. 

Starting Again

Okay, I am all about new beginnings and ventures, possibly because I have trouble finishing stuff… sigh… So I am going to attempt to start writing again.  And I figure, today is just about as good of a day as any… 

So here I go…