Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ah… A new year…

I have given up on making New Year’s resolutions years ago… besides; I do not think I can last more than a week when I do make one. I really do not like making promises I cannot keep… and making excuses to myself on why I cannot keep a resolution really sucks, so I figure my best solution is to not make resolutions … Take this blog; I figure I will try to post something once a month… from the updates on the sidebar… it is not happening. On the other hand, I knew when I started this endeavor that I will merely TRY my best to write and keep up, so the pressure is off, and I do not feel as bad. HOWEVER, this is not an excuse for me to be lazy, or not wanting to change, or accomplish something. I am a believer that each day is a new start… not just on New Year’s. Why not make a resolution on Wed? So at the start of the day, sometimes I pick just one thing that I want to accomplish, one thing amongst an ongoing list of things that have to get done… eventually. The one thing tends to be small and doable, like going out to get milk or doing the laundry. It feels pretty good to be able to tackle this one job, no matter how small and to get it finished. Then I will move onto my next task on my list, or not… eventually, I know it will get done; it just won’t get done all at once. Ever since I had my baby, I found that what some people say is true… divide tasks into small doable bits, like clean the counter, or clean a small corner of the room, then clean the other corner… instead of just thinking to myself that I have to clean the whole house… I use to do that…the I must clean the entire house before 5… and when I failed the task, I will get upset and very disappointed at myself… but not anymore…

Yes my house is a bit messy, but I do have clean livable corners, sometimes entire rooms… and I think the important thing is that I am happy, or at least, I still have my sanity.